Monday, August 30, 2010

Do you have God's phone number?

Jeremiah 33:3 - Call to me, and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. (NIV)

God has the answers that you seek. 

Let that sink in for a minute. 

God HAS the answers that you seek!!!

What a glorious thought!!  The difficulty that we often face is that we simply do not ask.  Think about it.  How many times have you been faced with a dilemma in which you did not know what to do, how to proceed, how to achieve a good ending?

Has anyone asked you: Have you prayed about it?

How many times have you actually done it?

Our God is an awesome God.  He can do anything.  He can accomplish everything.  Look around you.  This morning I witnessed one of God's most beautiful creations.  The sunrise.  I can not describe the beauty, the color, the vibrancy, the awe inspiring view that just led me to say "Thank You for sharing this with me" to the Lord.

God could walk right in and answer any question you have, fix any problem you have, end any suffering you have.  And someday, when Jesus returns to earth, He will.

But right now, it is our role to ask.  It is our role to seek God's face in a world that has turned away.  Right now we live in a world filled with pride, arrogance, and doubt.  We are our own worst enemy.

We need to humble ourselves before the Lord God almighty and ask for his help.  It is not our will, but God's will be done.

My challenge to everyone is as follows:

  • When you want to make a new purchase,
  • When you read the Word,
  • When you want to go on a date with a new person,
  • When you want to find a new job,
  • When you want to accept a job offer,
  • When he/she asks you to marry,
  • When you want to name your child,
  • When you want to write a sermon,
  • When you want to criticize someone,
  • When you want to help someone,
  • When you want to try something new,
  • When you want to do something old (and you know it is no good for you),
  • When you feel yourself sliding into old habits,
  • When you feel yourself forming new habits,
  • When you feel so lost, ashamed, sinful,
  • When you feel so blessed
I want to ask you one question:

Have you prayed about it?

You have God's direct dial number...all you have to do is use it.

Blessings upon each of you this day.  I love you.

Pastor Jim

1 comment:

  1. Now this time around I can't tell if you're inside MY head or my parents' head. I'm thinking my head with the "sliding into old habits" (and don't worry, one month and one day smoke free today). Then I feel like you're in my parents head with the dating thing as they reminded me - again today out of the blue at dinner - that if I "don't put myself out there I'll never meet someone". Ahh, I love JLo. No worries, I explained to them that BECAUSE I pray about it, I have absolutely no fears about it. I KNOW that I am exactly where I'm meant to be and that feels amazing. One of the most exciting things I've ever learned about faith is that prayer doesn't have to be this pre-written, well thought out "thou" and "shalt" discourse that only takes place with folded hands and bended knees, but that just a quick, "thank you" or "what should I do?" is enough! Love ya!
