Friday, April 8, 2011

Psalm 16 Part Three

2. GOD DIRECTS (a-counsels, b-enables)

a – God counsels

So David’s idea of the meaning of life is tied in with the God who provides.  But this is also a God who directs. (Read vs. 7 - I bless the LORD who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me.)  Have you ever been going through a difficult time, or facing an important decision, and you go to someone in your life you who trust to get their advice?  And you know how much of a help it is – even if the advice itself may not lead to a solution – just to be able to talk to that person and seek their counsel?  David says, ‘you know who I go to for counsel?’  The LORD (Jehovah) – the one true God, the great I AM who reveals himself to his people. Better yet, David says the Lord gives me counsel.  And apparently David and the Lord had an amazing thing going on here because it sounds like the spirit of David and the Spirit of God were so used to communicating to each other, were so wrapped up in the other’s business, that even during the night David’s heart received instruction.  Just think, the one who creates your life can also counsel you in every way of your life, even at the level of the most inner meditations of your heart.

b – God enables

And yet, as amazing as it is to think that the Lord directs by giving counsel, he also directs by enabling his followers.  Consider vs. 8.  (Read vs. 8 - I keep the LORD always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.)  David has made a choice that he will walk in obedience, keeping the Lord always before him.  Now I think it’s most likely that David had to make this choice on a regular basis, in both good times and bad.  He had to continually decide, yes, I will keep the Lord before me – I will continually pattern my life according to God’s way.  Now guess what?  David could only do that because he’d also sought the Lord’s counsel, and because he’d trusted in the Lord’s provision.  In other words, it was a choice of faith – but a faith made confident because of what he’d already experienced with the Lord.  Thus he could also claim that his Lord was at his right hand.  Every time I see a reference to the right hand in scripture it makes me stop and take notice, because it can refer to the idea of strength, or a place of honor, or even at times to Christ himself.  In this context we hear David saying, God is by my side, I can trust him to help me fight my battles, I can rely on him no matter what comes our way.  Is it any wonder then that David declares,

I shall not be moved.

I will finish Psalm 16 early next week.  God loves each and every one of you and so do I.  Many blessings to you.  Please pray for Angela and I as we prepare for the entry of our daughter into the world.  She should be arriving soon.

Pastor Jim

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