Monday, November 29, 2010

A Father's Love

The Bible tells us of many stories of a Father's love for his children.

John 3:16 (God sent his only Son)

Luke 15: 11-31 (Parable of the lost son)

Read about Noah, Job, Abraham.  None of these Fathers (except God of course) were perfect, yet each father gives an example of the love, protection, and work of fatherhood.

This particular topic is one that has created much difficulty in my life.  I spent most of my life growing up without a father.  My parents divorced when I was very young and the systems of support for fathers was not what it is today.  I went almost 30 years between times when I saw my father.

Isaiah 22:22 says "I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open".

God opened that door to find my earthly father. Ultimately it was a faith step with God that allowed that relationship to open again.  At the time, I was very scared and feared that I would be rejected.  I had nothing to fear as God was in control and my father is now one of my closest and dearest friends.  Because God is a God of wonder, let me just tell you that finding my dad was a miracle upon miracles as the feat has not been able to be duplicated since.

My dad has been visiting for the last three weeks and in that time, we have had time to talk together about the situations that I am facing.  And as we spoke I watched my dad have a great love on his face coupled with a great sadness in his eyes as my situation mirrors our situation 35 years ago.  His advice brings me back to the verse in Isaiah 22 where I am reminded that it is not I who has the power to shut and open doors.

That power is not mine.  I must be willing to submit to the will of God and know that he is in control.  Dad reminded me to live and to have hope, faith, and believe that someday things will be different.  God is in the business of miracles.

1 Samuel 3:9 "Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening."  

I think that we live in a world where we spend too much time talking and not enough time listening.  We live in a society where WE must fix our problems and have solutions for everything under the sun. Clear the interference.  Get rid of the distractions.  God seeks listeners.  Ones who will heed his Word, then do what he asks.

No hesitation.

No doubt.

Just faith.  

Please read Hebrews 11:1 and Hebrews 11:6.

God is our Father in heaven who loves us so much.  I found this today as I was seeking ways to convey the love of my Fathers.

A Father's hands are gentle,
A Father's hands are strong,
Guiding, helping, teaching,
Showing right from wrong --
The protection of a Father's hands,
And the love that's in their touch,
Give the feeling of security
A child needs so much --
And although they may be rough from toil,
A child still understands
How much of life's true beauty
Comes from a Father's hands.
--Mary R. Hurley--

Many blessings to each of you this day.  God loves you and so do I.  I thank God for you each day.

Pastor Jim

1 comment:

  1. I remember when you 1st got back in touch with your dad. It was amazing to witness.
